Dr Yap Lian Eng Ivy 2020-06-25T15:04:08+07:00

Project Description

Dr Yap Lian Eng Ivy
Dr Yap Lian Eng Ivy Gastroenterologist
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  • Speciality: Gastroenterology / Spesialis Penyakit Dalam
  • Clinic: Mount Elizabeth Orchard Hospital


  • Dokter yang sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun di bidangnya.
  • Keahlian khusus pada gastroenterology and hepatology with a special interest in treating chronic Hepatitis B and C and chronic liver diseases
  • Yap was a senior consultant since in NUH since 1993 and was previously associate professor in Medicine National University of Singapore (NUS).
  • She was awarded the PSC merit scholarship to study medicine at the University of Singapore (1973-1978) and later received a Singapore Government Scholarship to pursue her Master of Medicine in 1982. In addition to that, she received a China Medical Board Scholarship for an overseas fellowship attachment at the London Royal Free Hospital in 1985.
  • Dr Yap has served as Vice-Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board of Mount Elizabeth Hospital from 2001 to 2003. She is trained in Dr. Yap was a senior consultant since in NUH since 1993 and was previously associate professor in Medicine National University of Singapore (NUS).
  • She was awarded the PSC merit scholarship to study medicine at the University of Singapore (1973-1978) and later received a Singapore Government Scholarship to pursue her Master of Medicine in 1982. In addition to that, she received a China Medical Board Scholarship for an overseas fellowship attachment at the London Royal Free Hospital in 1985.
  • Dr Yap has served as Vice-Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board of Mount Elizabeth Hospital from 2001 to 2003. She is trained in gastroenterology and hepatology with a special interest in treating chronic Hepatitis B and C and chronic liver diseases.


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