Dr Tay Kuang Wei Kevin 2020-06-26T13:43:29+07:00

Project Description

Dr Tay Kuang Wei Kevin
Dr Tay Kuang Wei Kevin Oncologist – Medical
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  • Speciality: Oncology – Medical
  • Clinic: Mount Elizabeth Orchard Hospital


  • Dokter senior yang sudah berpengalaman di bidangnya.
  • Lulusan training dari university in Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Dr Kevin salah satu dokter kanker di Singapura yang memegang sertifikasi American Board untuk praktek Kedokteran Internal dan Onkologi Medis.
  • Memiliki minat khusus pada kanker yang berhubungan dengan wanita seperti kanker payudara dan kanker ginekologi, jaringan lunak dan sarkoma tulang, serta keganasan hematologis seperti limfoma, mieloma multipel, dan leukemia
  • Dr Kevin Tay’s subspecialty interest is in women-related cancers such as breast cancers and gynaecological cancers, soft tissue and bone sarcomas, as well as hematological malignancies like lymphoma, multiple myeloma and leukemia.
  • He did his postgraduate training in internal medicine at the University of Hawaii and his medical oncology fellowship at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institute of Health (NIH), in USA. He was appointed as chief resident and chief fellow during his residency and fellowship programmes respectively.
  • He is one of the few cancer doctors in Singapore who hold American Board certifications for the practice of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology.
  • During his time at NCI/NIH, Dr Tay trained under several renowned oncologists, including Dr Sandy Swain, a world expert on breast cancer, and Dr Giuseppe Giaccone. He did 2 years of research at NIH under the mentorship of Dr Wyndham Wilson, Dr Louis Staudt and Dr Elaine Jaffe. His main research focus was on understanding the tumor biology in aggressive lymphomas.
  • Upon returning to Singapore in early 2010, Dr Tay joined the Department of Medical Oncology at National Cancer Centre in Singapore. Today, he continues to be a visiting consultant to the National Cancer Centre.
  • Dr Tay is active in translational research and was part of the core group at the National Cancer Centre that was awarded the prestigious centre grant by the National Medical Research Council in Singapore. Their research work included discovering a novel mutation in NK/T-cell lymphoma and redefined a new subtype of enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma. Both research were featured in The Straits Times and published in high-impact oncology journals


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