Project Description
- Speciality: Dentistry – Endodontics
- Clinic: Mount Elizabeth Orchard Hospital
- Dokter yang sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun di bidangnya.
- Lulusan dari University College London,England.
- Dr Seah Yang Howe graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1992 with a bachelor in Dental Surgery (B.D.S). Dr Seah gained a Master in Endodontics (MSc Endodontics) from Eastman Dental Institute, University College London in 1996. In 2001, he was accredited by the General Dental Council in U.K. as a Specialist in Endodontics. Dr Seah has been working in private practise since 1996. With the setting up of the specialist register in Singapore 2008, it was natural for Dr Seah to apply for and achieve specialist accreditation as an endodontist. In addition, Dr Seah was admitted as a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (FAMS) in the same year. From 2000 to 2008, Dr Seah was a partner and the main endodontist in the largest chain of dental clinics in Singapore.
- During that time, he was also an endodontist and regularly treated patients in Francis Lee dental surgery. Since November 2008, he set up the Root Canal Clinic, a clinic dedicated to excellence in rooy canal treatment. He alternates his practice of endodontics between the Root Canal Clinic and Francis Lee Dental Surgery.