Project Description
- Speciality: General Surgery
- Clinic: Sunway Medical Centre Hospital
- Dokter Senior yang berpengalaman di bidangnya
- Fokus prosedur: operasi empedu, operasi payudara, operasi kolorektal, operasi lambung, bedah umum, operasi limpa (splenectomy), operasi paratiroid
- MBChB (Aberdeen), FRCS (Edin)
- MBChB University of Aberdeen Scotland, United Kingdom (UK)
- Housemanship in Medicine and Surgery, Aberdeen, Scotland 1972- 1973
- Senior house officer in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Scotland 1973- 1974
- Senior house officer in General Surgery, Cumberland Infirmary Carlisec Cumberaland England 1976- 1977
- Registrar in pediatric plastic surgery, urology and general surgery, Inverness Infirmary Royal Infirmary in Aberdeen Scotland 1978- 1979
- Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCS), United Kingdom 1978
- Lecturer in surgery, University of Malaya 1979-1985
- Associate professor of surgery, University of Malaya 1985