Dr Lee Yi-Liang Jonathan 2020-06-26T05:11:38+07:00

Project Description

Dr Lee Yi-Liang Jonathan
Dr Lee Yi-Liang Jonathan Hand Surgeon
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  • Speciality: Hand Surgery
  • Clinic: Mount Elizabeth Orchard Hospital


  • Dokter yang sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidangnya.
  • Lulusan dari Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
  • Keahlian khusus pada Hand, Wrist and Microsurgical Reconstruction.
  • Dr Lee graduated from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland in 1995 with his bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery and received in postgraduate surgical training in Singapore obtaining Membership to the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2000 and his Masters of Medicine (Surgery) from NUS in 2001.
  • He underwent specialist training in Hand, Wrist and Microsurgical Reconstruction at both Singapore General Hospital and National University Hospital, Singapore. He was on the staff of the Department of hand Surgery, SGH from 2001 to 2007. Dr Lee Maintains practices at both Mount Elizabeth Hospital Medical Centre and East Shore Medical Centres.
  • A prolific writer, Dr Lee has contributed in excess of 20 scientific articles, published in peer-reviewed journals and has also chapters in a guidebook for patients and general practitioners entitled, Painful Conditions of the Hand & Wrist (2004). He has been quoted in several newspaper and magazine articles on various hand conditions and has spoken regularly at public forums and on radio.
  • Dr Lee has presented his research and writing at meetings both local and international, and has been awarded prizes for his academic presentations at the Singapore Hand Surgery Society Annual Scientific Meetings (2002 & 2006).
  • Dr Lee has held several administrative positions including honorary treasurer and executive committee member of the Singapore Hand Surgery Society. He remains active in his teaching commitments and is an active Advanced Trauma Life Support Course Instructor at the School of Military Medicine, Singapore.


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