Dr Lee Chee Wan 2020-06-25T06:27:33+07:00

Project Description

Dr Lee Chee Wan
Dr Lee Chee Wan Cardiologist
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  • Speciality: Cardiology
  • Clinic: Mount Elizabeth Orchard Hospital


  • Dokter yang sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun di bidangnya.
  • Lulusan dari the University of Sydney, Australia dan University of Oxford, UK.
  • Keahlian khusus pada implantation of cardiac devices (eg. loop recorder, pacemaker, and defibrillator), catheter ablation, and coronary angiograms (imaging tests that use x-rays to see the body’s blood vessels).
  • Memiliki Minat khusus pada aritmia jantung (detak jantung tidak teratur), penyakit arteri koroner dan hipertensi.
  • Dr Lee Chee Wan is one of the few cardiologists in Singapore with both medical and doctorate degrees. He studied medicine at the University of Sydney under the John Crawford Scholarship Scheme and graduated in 1998 with first class honours. He later completed his postgraduate medical training at the University of Oxford and specialist cardiology training at the University of Cambridge, and also received his Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Cardiology.
  • Dr Lee spent 18 months at the Toronto General Hospital in Canada to advance his skills and know-how in complex cardiac pacing and electrophysiology.
  • Prior to entering private practice, Dr Lee was a senior consultant and head of the Department of Cardiology at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. He was also the director of the hospital’s Cardiovascular Centre, the lead in pacing and cardiac electrophysiology, and the former director of their Coronary Care Unit.
  • Dr Lee is a visiting consultant to the National Heart Centre and Tan Tock Seng Hospital, an adjunct assistant professor at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, and clinical teacher at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine.


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