Project Description
- Speciality: Neurology
- Clinic: Mount Elizabeth Orchard Hospital
Dokter yang sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 25 tahun di bidangnya.
- Dr Devathasan has been in private practice since 1992.
- Visiting A/Prof Neurology at John Hopkins Hospital, US (1987-1988)
- Head of Neurology, National University Hospital (1986-1989)
- A/Prof in Medicine, National University of Singapore (1986-1990)
- Memory Rejuvenation Clinic.
- MBBS (Singapore)
- Med (Int Med) (Singapore)
- MRCP (Int Med) (UK)
- FAMS (Neurology)
- FRCP (Int Med) (Edin)
- FRCP (Int Med) (Glasg)
- FRCP (Int Med) (Lond)