Dr Chin Hsuan Crystal 2021-02-01T08:14:51+07:00

Project Description

Dr Chin Hsuan Crystal
Dr Chin Hsuan Crystal Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
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  • Speciality: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  • Clinic: Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital


  • Dokter senior yang sudah berpengalaman di bidangnya.
  • Lulusan dari Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, UK.
  • Keahlian khusus pada invasive surgeries including hysteroscopic sterilisation (a type of tubal sterilisation procedure that uses the body’s natural openings to place small implants into the fallopian tubes) and hysteroscopic myomectomies (a surgery to remove fibroids without taking out the healthy tissue in the uterus).
  • Prior to setting up her private practice, Dr Chin worked at KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital for several years, and is experienced in managing various obstetric and gynaecological cases including deliveries and surgeries.
  • Dr Chin also has a keen interest in preinvasive diseases. She has obtained accreditations in colposcopy and laser treatments, and established a clinic at the KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital to better look after the special needs of this group of patients.
  • In addition to her clinical roles, Dr Chin is passionate about teaching and enjoys imparting clinical and surgical skills to junior doctors. She was appointed as clinical lecturer and examiner at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, and currently holds the position of clinical physician and faculty member at the SingHealth Residency Program.
  • Her clinical research has been published in several scientific journals and presented at international conferences.
  • Dr Chin is a mother of 3 and has experienced both caesarean and vaginal deliveries. As each pregnancy is unique, she believes in providing individualised care and support for all her patients.


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