Dr Chin Chao-Wu David 2020-06-29T11:27:11+07:00

Project Description

Dr Chin Chao-Wu David
Dr Chin Chao-Wu David Ahli Bedah THT / ENT Surgeon
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  • Speciality: Otorhinolaryngology / Spesialis THT
  • Clinic: Mount Elizabeth Orchard Hospital


  • Dokter senior yang sudah berpengalaman di bidangnya.
  • Lulusan training dari Sydney Rhinology Fellowship, Australia.
  • Keahlian khusus pada rhinology and endoscopic sinus surgery.
  • Memiliki minat khusus pada poliposis hidung dan dampaknya pada saluran napas atas dan bawah, saluran napas hidung dan operasi saluran napas hidung fungsional
  • Dr David Chin has subspecialty fellowship training in rhinology and endoscopic sinus surgery.
  • Beyond endoscopic sinus surgery, he has a keen interest in the management of nasal polyposis and its impact on the upper and lower airways. He is also a strong proponent of the importance of the nasal airway and functional nasal airway surgery.
  • Dr Chin pursued advanced rhinology training with the Sydney Clinical Rhinology Fellowship, a programme accredited by the American Rhinologic Society. Under the mentorship of rhinologists Professor Richard Harvey & Professor Ray Sacks, together with Dr George Marcells, an Australian facial plastic ENT surgeon, Dr Chin had the opportunity for comprehensive training in covering functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), endoscopic skull base surgery (ESBS) and nasal airway surgery including functional rhinoplasty.
  • He was previously the director of rhinology service at Changi General Hospital (CGH) and was a visiting specialist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH). He continues to serve as visiting consultant at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.
  • In addition to his previous positions as core faculty in the SingHealth ENT residency programme and as a clinical senior lecturer with National University of Singapore, Dr Chin continues to serve on the Standard Setting Committee for otorhinolaryngology postgraduate medical examination. He is also appointed as an examiner for specialist exit examination in otorhinolaryngology.
  • Dr Chin has been actively involved at teaching locally and regionally. These include Singapore Allergy & Rhinology Course, FESS courses organised by Changi General Hospital, Singapore General Hospital, National University Hospital, National Healthcare Group, Chulalongkorn University, Khon Kaen University, and International Islamic University of Malaysia.
  • In 2016, he had the honour of representing the Society of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Singapore (SOHNSS) at the Global Otolaryngology Forum at the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Annual Meeting.
  • He has over 20 research publications, covering subjects from nasal polyposis to a novel approach for endoscopic drillout of the frontal sinus, a technique used for severe recurrent frontal sinus disease. In recognition for this work, he was awarded the prestigious Yahya Cohen Memorial Lectureship in 2013 by the College of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine, Singapore. He is a reviewer with the Singapore Medical Journal, Laryngoscope and the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy.
  • Dr Chin strongly believes that Singapore can contribute to the development of the subspecialty in parts of the region where the opportunities for fellowship training are limited. To this end, he continues to participate in collaborative regional initiatives including institutions in China (GuangXi, 2015) and Myanmar (Mandalay and Yangon, 2016).


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