Dr Chan Wan Xian 2020-06-25T05:44:39+07:00

Project Description

Dr Chan Wan Xian
Dr Chan Wan Xian Cardiologist
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  • Speciality: Cardiology
  • Clinic: Mount Elizabeth Orchard Hospital


  • Adjunct assistant professor  yang sudah berpengalaman di bidangnya.
  • Lulusan training dari Toronto University Health Network, Canada.
  • Keahlian khusus pada heart failure and management of patients with mechanical hearts, valvular heart diseases, and cardiac imaging including echocardiography and nuclear cardiology techniques.
  • Dr Chan Wan Xian clinical expertise includes heart failure and management of patients with mechanical hearts, valvular heart diseases, and cardiac imaging including echocardiography and nuclear cardiology techniques.
  • She pursued subspecialisation training in advanced heart failure and cardiac transplantation at the Toronto University Health Network in Canada.
  • She completed her advanced specialist training in cardiology at the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) in 2009.
  • She also received training in cardiomyopathies and cardiac imaging (including nuclear cardiology imaging and echocardiography). Subsequently, Dr Chan was awarded team scholarship and pursued further training in women’s heart health services at the Mayo Clinic in USA and the Ottawa Heart Institute in Canada.
  • She was a former senior consultant and co-director of the women’s heart health service at NUHCS.
  • She is currently an adjunct assistant professor of the department of medicine at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in NUS.
  • During her time at NUHCS, Dr Chan led the transitional and home care services for complex heart failure patients. She was awarded the Outstanding Collaborating Physician Award in 2016 at the National University Hospital in Singapore. The initiative also won Merit award in the Quality Improvement project (CareHub pilot project in cardiac patients) in 2016.


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